Thursday, June 11, 2009


Here we go. I vowed to start a blog this week. I have no idea what I am doing. The fun is figuring it out latter.

I have figured out that it is very important to linger. I get so busy. I don't want to stop. Lingering, helps to to get in a mode of gratitude.

Painting is a lingering process. An image of what to paint has to come mind. How will I achieve this image is the first question. What attracts me to the image. Then there is usually a drawing process, although I do not take a long time here. I work out just the bones.

Usually before the painting is finished there is a manic stages. At the beginning, there may be one for just applying color in the right places.

Before you know it I am back at lingering or maybe fussing. My edges have to be adjusted. Color and values have to be pumped up. What am I to do fix issues. Creativity is a process of problem solving.

Then there is the last manic stage. Finish the painting and get it off the board. I don't like to finish paintings much. This something I must correct. A deadline helps here. Now I am off to paint...tra la.

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