This a the other painting that I submitted to watercolor USA. I think that I am through playing with this one. Yes it does happen. It was originally painted for 'The Beauty of Everyday Life' show, at the The Waverly House. The painting won the theme award. This was fun, a challenge, and hair pulling. I had to keep my finger on the item that I was painting, or I would slip and start working on the wrong thing.
I brought this painting home and tightened up a little. When the Waverly House show came about, my mom had become really sick. I was spending a lot of time in doctor's offices and the hospital. I had works so hard on this painting and was determined to finish it, I stayed up all night to finish this one. It was finished really fast.
It was good, but now it is better. I am not listing the price of this one because I did not have it in my records. I will list it after I know it it is accepted.

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