I've discovered a new way to progess with my work. If I paint on several paintings at once. I don't get into hating the painting in front of me. If there are issues, or things are not progressing well, it don't stress. I just flip to the next painting. I let go, and move on to dealing with the next piece. Ideas on what to do next, or solving a problem with a painting has to percolate with me. I keep flipping to a different painting. With a different painting on the table, the mental work has already been done and I am ready to move ahead with the work.

Night Balloons.
14"X 17"
I have submitted this to Watercolor USA. I will know if it is accepted by the April 17. I am waiting. It is not accepted, I am ready to change this one. I want more warm color in part of the the back ground. I may want to tweak the actual shape of a couple of the balloons. I think this piece is out of balance. This was not apparent until it was done. I think if I lighten the area above the small balloon and add a little warmth it will solve the problem. Until I know if it is accepted in the Watercolor USA, I am hesitant to make changes.
The painting sits, in the studio and I continue to mentally work on it. This seems to be something I cannot rush.
Thank you for your kind works of support and care after the my mother passed. I was silent for awhile, but I was feeling your care and it helped.
I am seem to be up and painting more than I have been able to the last couple of years. I have entered three competitions and finished five paintings in the past two weeks. Deadlines do help. I have several other painting getting close to go in the frames. You should be seeing frequent posts now.
With brushes flying everywhere,
Jane Huggins:)
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