Where Is It?
Won the Theme Award
This painting will be for sale at the Waverly House, Girl's Shelter Benefit. The theme was 'Everyday Life."
My mother went into the hospital the week this painting was due for judging. It was quite an ambitious painting for the time I had to finish it. It seemed like everything was working against me getting this one done on time. I was determined and stayed up most of the night painting. I am pleased with it, but the finished product has not been in the studio for long. If it sells in the show it is done. If it comes back for awhile, I cannot be sure it will not come out of the frame for tweaking.
I'm often asked if I am afraid of ruining a successful painting. I really have not had that problem. At this stage all changes are deliberate and I am certain what I want to do. I have been painting long enough that I can usually accomplish what I set out to do.
The planning stage for each new painting is very important, but often I let the painting lead me in the beginning. It can take a different direction that I did not expect. If I get stuck I put a piece aside for awhile until I know where I am taking it next. Often I get to a point where I dislike the painting. I guess I've been staring at it for too long. I little step back helps my attitude.
'Where Is It,' I\is one of the few that painted itself. My only struggle was time and stamina for the tedious work. I worked on a second piece ,to enter the show, just to give me a break from this one. I would switch paintings every hour or so. My head kept telling me that this was insane, because I wasn't sure that I had time to finish the first one. My gut told me this would be the only way I could mentally achieve my goals with 'Where Is It."
The second painting did not make the show and I will probably finish it this week.
Oh the games I play with myself....
This turned out great jane :)....April